Resource Management Guide - Regulator Performance
Resource Management Guide – Regulator Performance (RMG 128) outlines performance expectations for Commonwealth Regulators through three principles of best practice, which are:
- Continuous improvement and building trust
- Risk based and data driven
- Collaboration and engagement.
The guidance assists Commonwealth regulators to report on their performance against these expectations. Other elements of the guidance include:
- setting performance objectives through Ministerial Statements of Expectations
- reducing duplication and increasing accountability and transparency by moving regulator performance reporting under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.
Regulator Stocktake
The stocktake showcases the diversity of regulatory responsibilities across government. The stocktake also provides visibility on the issuing of Ministerial Statements of Expectations and Regulator Statements of Intent where relevant, with links to published documents.
A useful resource for regulators, policy departments and stakeholders more broadly, the stocktake identifies each regulatory function by portfolio, whether these functions are internal or external to departments, and details on relevant legislation and regulated community.
The Australian Government Regulator stocktake will be continually updated.