News and events

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Final report of the Independent Review of Overseas Health Practitioner Regulatory Settings

At National Cabinet on the 6 December 2023, First Ministers endorsed the Final Report of the Independent Review of Overseas Health Practitioner Regulatory Settings., led by Ms Robyn Kruk AO.

Consultation open on proposed reform to the execution of Commonwealth statutory declarations

The Australian Government, through the Attorney’s General Department, has opened consultation on amending the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 and the Statutory Declarations Regulations 2018 to introduce new ways of executing Commonwealth statutory declarations.

Australian Government Regulator Stocktake

Finance has today published a stocktake of Australian Government regulators and regulatory functions

Independent Review of Overseas Health Practitioner Regulatory Settings – Interim report


We are hiring!

An Exciting opportunities exist in the Regulatory Reform Division for talented and energetic leaders to cut through on complex regulatory policy, practice and performance problems through digital innovation and stewardship.

Electronic Transactions Act consultation open

Electronic Transactions Act consultation open

We are hiring!

Hands shaking We are hiring

Media releases

Cutting red tape to boost productivity across the economy

The Minister for Finance, Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher has announced $27.9 million in funding over three years from 2024-25, with ongoing funding of $9.4 million per annum for the regulatory reform agenda.

Agreement reached on reform of charitable fundraising laws

In their most recent meeting, the Commonwealth, state and territory Treasurers agreed to a set of nationally consistent fundraising principles to streamline and harmonise state and territory requirements on charitable fundraiser conduct.

Independent review of health practitioner regulatory settings

Minister for Finance
Minister for the Public Service
Minister for Women